Document Management Systems is a boon to the Topical Pharmaceutical Sectors


Incorporating new-age technology in Lifesciences:

With digitalization in impact there has been a lot of astounding changes in every industrial sector including pharma and life sciences companies. When practically we have uncovered countless benefits of this new age inculcation in the global market, we also cannot walk away from the fact that digitalization has also disrupted industries on various other levels. With this we conclude that every innovation comes with certain pros and cons! But humans have always found out ways to deal with the harsh part of any innovation and so they have dealt with this too.

Keeping customer satisfaction and business extension at the forefront, contemporary pharma industries have started adopting digitalization trends in their manufacturing as well as operation and document management system is one among many. With this, automatic integration of all the document-related activities of a pharma sector has been way easier & simpler. Transforming paper-based activities to automatic paper-less ones smoothly with less cost consumption is the whole-sole intention behind this digital trend in pharma companies.

DMS: Get it transformed from Manual to Automatic

Pharmaceutical industries go through a huge number of paper activities every day and to manage them there is a high requirement of resources. But, with manual interferences there is a quite good chance of information mismatch, incorrect feeding, untimely delivery, etc. Whereas with DMS or Document Management Systems, all these activities can be handled easily without any manual activities.

Whatever is the phase of the entire pharmacy function, on every stage there is a big need of maintaining all the informative documents safely, so that they can be accessed whenever required without any hassle. In a way, DMS has contributed a lot to the content management activities encompassing all the electronic data like emails, batch records, quality control records, crucial regulatory details, etc.

Instead of creating a pile of informative files manually one after another, through the Electronic Document Tracking System one can easily find all the important data stored in one place accessible from anywhere. Besides, FDA’s 21CFR Part 11 compliance says that it has been mandatory for all the organizations to replace their paper-based documents and signatures with electronic records and e-signatures. Aiming to better the document maintenance of the pharma companies, AmpleLogic is also encouraging life sciences industries to introduce eDMS into their business activities and attain a tag of paperless company.


Using Document Management Systems, a lot of things can be handled efficiently in a specified manner and many challenges faced by Lifesciences industries can be tackled easily.

Sort of difficulties industries face these days with manual activities in pharma industries are:

  • Excessive Time Consumption: because of paper-based activities, one channel stays dependent on the other every phase, which consumes a lot time. besides, it hampers streamline planned for project. with document manager, this whole manual set-up can be processed smoothly and automatically without any hassle.
  • Probability of Errors: When the whole documentation is managed manually, there is a huge probability of misplacement of documents. With this, it becomes difficult to get the accurate document or data whenever required.
  • Poor Tracking Activities: It becomes difficult to keep a tab on the tracking activities of various regulations being updated in several pharmaceutical industries.
  • Lagging on training the resources: With DMS software, it becomes easy to integrate learning management systems (LMS) with the documents, automatically. When these things are done manually, then it lacks integration and resources are not being intimated about the trainings to be taken as per their domain and skills.
  • Last-minute rush: With many things altogether, it is tough to memorize a few revisions work, which can be done easily using eDMS. It will intimate users with automatic notifications, reminders, escalations, etc. without any miss, so that things can be done before the deadline.
  • Inefficient collaboration: In manual document management it becomes tough to collaborate various departments like operation, production,
    quality assurance, engineering, etc. in a perfect streamline, which can be accomplished using DMS.
  • Unsecured data storage: Keeping a stack of paper-based documents in a physical storage could be dangerous when they face unprecedented accidents like fire or anything. Why not use a secured cloud for orderly document control?

When there has been an inevitable need to consolidate digitalization to the contemporary life sciences industries, then we must consider the Document Management Systems as the very first trend to bring in. Understanding the benefits of eDMS, AmpleLogic is assisting various pharmaceutical companies around the globe to add this seamless and cost-effective integration to their business. We would like to resolve all your queries on DMS, reach us for a quick demonstration.

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