Customer Story

Case Study of JSW Steel – Enterprise Energy Management

JSW Steel Limited is world 6th Largest Steel Plant, operates with Single Location Plant at Vijayanagar, Karnataka. They have implemented the Solution – Specific Energy Consumption Calculation (SEC) Solution (Energy Management)


  • JSW Steel Ltd had a major challenge in terms of Manual Data Collection and Reporting Data by using Large Excel Spread Sheets across the vertical departments.
  • Slowed their workforce utilization, process improvements and was prone to human errors in data capturing.
  • Difficult to do Data Analysis, No Collaboration of third-party application’s for data consolidation

AmpleLogic Solution – Enterprise Energy Management Solution

  • Data Collection and Reporting – Automatically generate reports, dashboards, Graphical Representation view, consolidation of data based on business needs or user needs
  • Integration – Based on Business Logics, connects seamlessly with any information solutions for collecting and reporting on data from disparate solutions
  • Single Platform:- Connects all Top to bottom line management on a single source of truth to get a big picture of their operational

Results and Benefits – SEC Calculation

  • Enterprise Energy Management Solution had Improved workforce utilization, continuous improvement in the process.
  • Secure data, access to real-time information analysis to make quick decisions based on functionality
  • No email attachments, No IT Help, Reduced time from hours to minutes, No deviations, drag & drop features to build or change any process in future with business logic
  • Workflows, charts, forms, and other documents can be created with the drag-and-drop system

Output of Solution

  • Calculation of Total Specific Energy Consumption, Energy Intensity, Steam & Fuel Ratio, Consumption Reports
  • Monitor numerous KPI’s like Gcal/TP, Kcal/Kg, Kwh &etc.
  • Identification of Plant Efficiency/ Energy Consumption based on production
  • Identification of Energy/ material inputs costs per ton of production on Plant wises.
  • Auto generate the various energy reports, summary reports and other necessary reports

To schedule a demo on AmpleLogic Energy Management or Specific Energy Calculation Solution, email us at





Where is your business office?

In the India locations.

Time for delivery 
35 days

What do you want us to do in this ?
We will assure our best services. In this time and in case of any need we will be there for you. 

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