Customer Story

Hetero Labs Uses AmpleLogic LMS to manage training programs

Employee Training Software Case Study

Client Background : Hetero Labs Limited

Hetero is one of India’s leading generic pharmaceutical companies and the world’s largest producer of anti-retroviral drugs for the treatment of HIV/AIDS. Backed by over 25 years of expertise in the pharmaceutical industry, Hetero’s strategic business areas spread across APIs, Generics, Biosimilars, Custom Pharmaceutical services and Branded Generics. The company is globally recognized for its strengths in Research and Development, manufacturing and commercialization of a wide range of products.

Business Challenge with traditional training systems

Like every company in a highly regulated environment, Hetero Labs Limited’s drug development group needed to manage its compliance with regulatory training requirements more effectively. Managers in business units used an LMS which involved numerous manual processes including spreadsheets and papers for tracking employee training programs, preparing various training materials manually, keeping track of who needed what training and who had actually completed training on an individual basis. Hence, the industry demands its employees to get trained on aspects such as Standard Operating Procedures (SOP), Current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP) and safety and environment training so on.

  • Manual training schedule preparation, reviewal, and approval of training were time-consuming and involved lot of effort on the training coordinator.
  • Follow-up email reminders had to be sent to the training coordinators regarding all the scheduled and upcoming training programs, and they had to keep track of all the training.
  • The process of getting signatures to mark the attendance of the trainees post-training involved a lot of time and effort.
  • There was no integration or a central repository for records of learning and there were challenges in real-time accessibility for managers and learners with different levels of administration rights.
  • No proper platform to deploy training and spent thousands of dollars each year on training-related travel and third party compliance Instructor LED Training expenses.
  • Long hours wasted spent on a manual training process, managing their employees from different departments is very be difficult. So centralizing their training programs and bringing it online was crucial for their business.

The Solution – AmpleLogic Employee Training Management Software

Hetero Labs Limited relies on Learning Management System (LMS), was designed by AmpleLogic to create, organize, deploy, and track web-based training programs. AmpleLogic’s LMS solution managed web-based training, build courses from reusable modules of web-enabled learning content, registered and enrolled employees in training courses, set up qualifications and certification training classes and tracked learners’ progress through courses and online tests. The LMS platform enabled the company to automate training programs that were formerly managed manually in spreadsheets.

By using AmpleLogic Learning Management system they could manage multiple needs including employee onboarding, on the job trainings and system security and integrations, flexibility in course setup and design, as well as addressing the pain point of fragmented data across multiple systems which was unsustainable.

Teams are now able to push learning paths to employees based on job role, function, department and locations, so learners are completing training relevant to their role. In addition to the platform, they also leverage the AmpleLogic LMS training course library which has increased learner engagement

Users, based on their security rights, could create various questions based on the previously defined sets and courses within the modules. There were various types of questions; multiple choices, image based questions, yes/no, true/false and sentence completions.

With the help of employee training software, they are able to integrate with biometric fingerprint technology that records classroom attendance through biometrics. This SOP Training Software allows the employees to assign their tasks to other employees in case of their absence or non-availability

The administrator could see the detailed report for selective users who appeared for the test within a specified time line. Sending email notifications/ alerts for pending and overdue training requirements to employees and supervisors.

Client Benefits

  • Enhanced the regulatory compliance requirements
  • Complete consistency and no problems with version control, since all training content is updated centrally.
  • Online assessments for courses can be conducted with the help of quizzes and tests with randomized questions.
  • Notifications and reminders can be automatically sent through emails as soon as a trainee has been assigned a training course or about the overdue trainings.
  • Reduce costs compared to traditional forms of learning.
  • Delivers timely training on changing global regulatory requirements
  • Amplifies classroom and on-the-job learning, with a social learning space for users
  • Manage and evaluate progress on employee training courses and certifications
  • LMS provides valuable insights related to productivity and employee progress as well as generating different of training reports.

Contact us for demo on AmpleLogic Employee Training Software, see how it can automate your training programs


Pharmaceutical Manufacturing


10K+ employees

Where is your business office?

In the India locations.

Time for delivery 
35 days

What do you want us to do in this ?
We will assure our best services. In this time and in case of any need we will be there for you. 

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